MC Farm Family
Flowers and produce
Product List:
Bittermelon, bittermelon leaves, blackberries, blueberries- duke, butterhead lettuce, baby bok choy, Chinese broccoli, dragon tongue bean, fava beans, flower bouquets, green onion, hatch green chili pepper, lemongrass, long bean, mint, pea shoots, plum, purslane, red lettuce, strawberries- Albion, sugar snap peas, tatsoi mustard, Thai chili peppers, tomatoes, white champagne grapes
Products Available:
Social Media:
Pre-order on What’s Good or send them a message on their social media!
Lily and Peter’s parents, May and Chue Fae, were farming since they were very young in Laos. They helped their parents with farming so that it would be faster to get things done at the farm. Lily and Peter started their business because they love farming and wanted to continue doing what they love so they could support their family.
Why MC Farm Family Loves Farmers Markets:
MC Farm Family loves making their customers happy. They support and participate in the markets because they provide a place a place to reach more customers. Their favorite thing about the farmers market is how friendly the farmers markets staff is.
Favorite Market Recipe:
Boiled Sugar Snap Peas
Rinse sugar snap peas in warm water and peel off both ends. Then pour 4 cups of water in a pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling, pour in the sugar snap peas and let it boil for about 15 minutes until it’s soft. Enjoy!
Find MC Farm Family:
Hillsboro Farmers’ Markets: Downtown Hillsboro Saturday Markets
People’s Food Co-op: Wednesday Farmers Market
Tillamook Farmers Market on Saturdays